Author: admin

  • Square Feet

    My new album ‘Square Feet’ is finally out All tracks written and produced by lietoofine at Sottobosco Studio except for track 9 written by Riccardo Xotta (thanks!). Vocals and lyrics: Jordan Paul deserves all the credit! ‘Not Excessive Noise’ includes speeches by Alan Watts. In ‘Onda Palace’ there is also Terence McKenna’s voice. ‘Lost in…

  • Working The Heap by Nick Brengle

    Working The Heap is an experimental film produced in a series with artist Marie Emerson. “Choice C” was the first installment which was intended for viewing in a photography exhibition. Working The Heap Described by Emerson is, “The yin side of life, being feminine, emotional, and although that is great, there is another side of…

  • EDL: An External Point of View

    Cast as a soundtrack set to Curiosity’s decent to Mars, lietoofine from Padova, Italy has recorded an album entitled Entry, Descent and Landing that’s sure to give us a reason to feeling emotional about humanity’s mission to Mars. ​Some context filled my mind as I listened to this record. Oftentimes when we think of Mars…

  • Entry, Descent and Landing

    Soundtrack of Curiosity’s descent to Mars. Special thanks to Elisa Gasperini for the speech on track ‘Sky Crane’.