Category: newrelease

  • Staying Back

    My attempt to restore a bunch of mysterious audio cassettes that came to me by chance. Without multitrack recordings, these cassettes were all that remained. I mixed different takes of the same song/jam, and in some cases, I also mashed up different unfinished songs with similar lyrics. All the lyrics are indeed from John Steinbeck’s…

  • Unraveling Steinbeck: a quick preview of my upcoming album

    ‘Staying Back’ will be available only on Soundcloud and Bandcamp. Out on February 27 (John Steinbeck’s birthday)    

  • Declined For Sharing

    A brief reflection about the connection between musicians and curators in 2023. I made a whole EP based on my declines and the wording in official decline emails. All songs written performed and produced by lietoofine @ Sottobosco Studio. Cover by @ laranalogic . Thanks to Jordan Paul and People Zoo Records. Have a…

  • Larsen – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack –

    I wrote a screenplay and a soundtrack. The movie doesn’t exist. The screenplay is available on Amazon: All songs written performed and produced by lietoofine @ Sottobosco Studio. Cover layout by lietoofine (freely inspired by Joshua Tauberer and his amazing “Iceberger” Thanks to Miragenesi and People Zoo Records.


    6: – squares that make up a hexomino– the day of January I was born on35:– the number of free hexominoes– my age– time duration of the album11:– unfoldings of the cube– tracks in the album All songs written performed and produced by lietoofine @ Sottobosco Studio.Cover by @ laravinstant, layout by lietoofine. Thanks to…

  • Square Feet

    My new album ‘Square Feet’ is finally out All tracks written and produced by lietoofine at Sottobosco Studio except for track 9 written by Riccardo Xotta (thanks!). Vocals and lyrics: Jordan Paul deserves all the credit! ‘Not Excessive Noise’ includes speeches by Alan Watts. In ‘Onda Palace’ there is also Terence McKenna’s voice. ‘Lost in…

  • Entry, Descent and Landing

    Soundtrack of Curiosity’s descent to Mars. Special thanks to Elisa Gasperini for the speech on track ‘Sky Crane’.